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About Samuel H. Bassitt Civil War Letters

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                                Camp of the 27th Ohio Vet. Vol. Inf.
                                Marietta, Georgia, August the 25th, A.D. 64

Ever kind and most affectionate Father and Mother, Brothers and Sister:

Time has placed an oportunity of wich i am now engaged in writing you a few lines to let you know that i am still on the land amonst the living and right side up with care and hope and trust that these few unworthy lines may find you enjoying the same health. I received your kind and most welcome rote letter the other day and have neglected answering it untill this time. But you must excuse me and i will be promter the next time if nothing happens no more than did this time.

We are still Camped in Marietta and it is awfull warm here although it rains pretty Down here but the air seems to be hot and sultry. The Citizens brings in Pleanty of Vegetables such as Corn, Potatos, Beens, Apples, Peeches, Watter Meallons and Cucumbers, Butter and Buttermilk, Tomatos, Plums and Graps. But i tell you that they are dear. Our Grub that we Draw from Uncle Sam is Crackkers, Meat, Coffee and Sugar and Homeny. When we first came here we drawed soft Bread but they have quit issuing it to us now.

They are Still Fighting Down at atlanta. General Kilpatrick has been on another raid. He Started from the right of our army and went clear around Atlanta Capturing 7 hundred Prisoners and one Piece of Artillery. He had to Let 6 hundred of the Prisoners go but he took all of their arms away from them. He cut the railroad in too Places.

Well Father you wanted me to write and Let you know whather i got them things that you sent me or not. I got too Handkerchieves, too towels, too Combs and one skain of Black thread and one Inkstand. And the Last and greatest was the Potraits of my most Beloved Father and Mother whom i had once enjoyed the Pleasures of the winter fireside. Father You wanted to know wheather the was any ink in the Inkstand wen i got it. The was no ink in it atall when i got it. But i had just got. a bottle of furstrate ink before i got them things. Ink costs 85 cts a bottle down here. Father iff you will Pleas send me five or six Dollars in your next letter i will get my Likeness taken emediately and send it to you. It costs three Dollars to get a Picture taken Down here. And if we leave here the is know telling when i can get another chance.

Well Father i believe i have ritten all of the news that is of much importance so i will close hoping to receive an answer soon. I remain your son

                                            Samuel Bassitt

Write Soon and dont delay. Direct the same as before. Tell Philo to write to me and write soon.


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[Transcripts from Civil War Letters binder in Allen County (Ohio) Museum library, c. 1975]
[Original letter in the Allen County (Ohio) Museum archives]