TDWG 2013
TDWG Annual Conference - Florence, Italy
Image by Mariano Mantel
- Host
- Luca Bartolozzi - University of Florence
- Venue
- Grand Hotel Mediterraneo in Florence, Italy
- Date
- 28 October - 1 November 2013
- Proceedings
- list of contributions with links to abstracts
- Programme
- TDWG 2013 Programme
- Presentations
- see below
- Recordings
- unavailable
Presentation files
Files are available upon request to
File name | Size (bytes) |
Addink_AudubonCore_experiences.pptx | 102,400 |
Addink_CatalogueofLife.pdf | 2,289,664 |
Addink_CatalogueofLife.pptx | 4,231,168 |
Addink_LinnaeusNG.pptx | 3,354,624 |
Addink_MediaLibraryAudubonCore.pdf | 249,856 |
Agosti Hagedorn - Open Access Taxon Name Information.pdf | 700,416 |
Arino_BeyondBarriers.ppsx | 8,892,416 |
Arino_ScholarlyDataPublishing_WelcomeSlides.ppsx | 344,064 |
Arnaud_CropOntology.ppt | 6,123,520 |
Baker_DataCitation.pptx | 9,629,696 |
Bart_ExpandingAndSustainingAfricanParticipationInTDWG.pptx | 7,884,800 |
Baskauf_Darwin-SW.pdf | 655,360 |
baskauf_DwcRdfGuide.pdf | 475,136 |
Baskauf_RdfPrimer.pdf | 1,703,936 |
Baskauf_VomagTdwgOntology.pdf | 475,136 |
Berendsohn_SustainingBiodiversityInfrastructure.pptx | 2,363,392 |
Blum_TheElementsOfCollaborationInTDWG.pptx | 122,880 |
Burguiere_Xper3.pdf | 3,076,096 |
Chagnoux_Crowdsourcing.pdf | 1,503,232 |
Chataigner_DevelopingVocabulary.pdf | 368,640 |
Chataigner_FrenchStandard.pdf | 581,632 |
Coetzer_SemanticMediation_FlowerVisiting.pptx | 3,792,896 |
Copley_Biodiv_Vocab_BCODMO_poster.pdf | 1,499,136 |
Coro_StatisticalAlgorithmsAsAService.pptx | 18,591,744 |
Deck_IdentifiersForAGlobalBiodiversityNetwork.pdf | 5,206,016 |
Denslow_NEONsCollectionsProgramDevelopingACollaborative.pptx | 8,200,192 |
Dmitriev_Cybertaxonomy and revisionary systematics.ppt | 14,229,504 |
Drinkwater_OCRforHerbaria.pptx | 3,538,944 |
Droege_GGBNABCDDNA.ppt | 3,997,696 |
Endresen_VoMAG_Framework.pdf | 3,903,488 |
Fichtmueller_Data_Quality_Initiative.pdf | 360,448 |
Frank_401_LightningTalk_Museion.pptx | 8,347,648 |
Frank_BHLE-on-TDWG.pdf | 2,015,232 |
Frank_DataMobilisationAndUsage.pptx | 6,406,144 |
FranzEtAl-ConceptsTools-GN-Infrastructure-TDWG2013.pptx | 11,927,552 |
FranzEtAl-CrowdSourcingInSymbiotaPortals-TDWG2013.pptx | 10,903,552 |
FranzEtAl-EulerToolkitReconcilingMultipleTaxonomiesPerelleschus-TDWG2013.pptx | 10,715,136 |
FranzEtAl-SCAN-FP-TDWG2013.pptx | 11,972,608 |
FranzLeeZhang-ASP-SimulationTaxonomyNomenclatureInterplay-TDWG2013.pptx | 7,262,208 |
Gendreau_DataQualityCanadensys.pptx | 3,137,536 |
GendreauLeCoq_ElasticSearch.pdf | 1,372,160 |
Gibbons_EarthMicrobiomeProject.pptx | 8,237,056 |
Gloeckler_BioCASe_ABCDEFG_OpenUp.pdf | 4,055,040 |
Gloeckler_Semantics4CollectionData.pdf | 2,387,968 |
Graham_VESPER.ppt | 3,682,304 |
Guentsch_DataQualityToolkit.pptx | 1,818,624 |
Guralnick_SpeciesInventory.pptx | 3,100,672 |
Hagedorn - Beyond DwC - Stable IDs Linked Open Data.pdf | 1,486,848 |
Hagedorn - Semantic Mediawiki for TDWG terms.pdf | 1,675,264 |
Heidorn-Chong_SemanticKnowledgeStores4.pptx | 3,264,512 |
Heimann_Subontologies.pdf | 1,753,088 |
Holston_DINASpecifyConsortium.pdf | 1,429,504 |
Jackson_EconomicBotany.pdf | 2,691,072 |
Jacob_EuropeanaAPI.pptx | 2,195,456 |
Jacob_IntellectualPropertyRights.pptx | 1,290,240 |
Kalfatovic_BHL-Overview-TDWG-2013-10.pdf | 5,640,192 |
Kempser_OntologyExtractionUnstructuredText.pdf | 802,816 |
King_BibliographyofLife.pdf | 749,568 |
King_HomoSapiens.pptx | 634,880 |
Kohlbecker_EDIT Platform as information broker.ppt | 1,392,640 |
Koller_NaturalHistoryMeetsCulture.ppt | 2,498,560 |
Koureas_UserOrLoseIt.pptx | 4,460,544 |
Laporte_facetedSearchSystem.pdf | 798,720 |
Leary_EOL_and_DwC-A.pptx | 1,413,120 |
Ludaescher_Sciworkflow_Provenance.pdf | 6,270,976 |
Macklin_BotanicalKnowledgePortal.ppt | 5,722,112 |
Macklin_Kurator_workflow.pdf | 2,699,264 |
Maglia_StrategiesAndPartnerships.ppsx | 14,700,544 | | 6,254,592 |
Matsunaga_iDigBioCloud.pdf | 9,146,368 |
Matteis_Laporte_DiscussionGroupForSemanticStandarsLOD.pptx | 69,632 |
Meyer_LongLivedData.pdf | 6,025,216 |
Morris_SemanticMatchingInterestsAnnotations.pdf | 3,129,344 |
Morris_SkosXl.ppt | 98,304 |
Morse_agINFRA.pdf | 917,504 |
Morse_ComTax.pdf | 630,784 |
Otegui_LinkingSystemsDataQuality.pptx | 3,280,896 |
OTuama_GBIF-Data-Quality.pptx | 3,768,320 |
OTuama_VoMAG-Introduction.pptx | 802,816 |
Owonibi_BExIS_DataQuality.pdf | 1,933,312 |
Parfilis_IdentificationOfEnvoTermsInText.pdf | 6,012,928 |
Parr_EOLInteroperabilitySemantics.pptx | 3,325,952 |
Parr_EOLstructuredData.pptx | 8,757,248 |
Paul_iDigBioasasResource.pdf | 21,639,168 |
Paul_SuccessInBroadeningParticipation.pptx | 7,716,864 |
PlantNet-Collabarative-review.pps | 11,767,808 |
Rainer_NaturalHistoryMeetsCulture.ppt | 2,502,656 |
Rees_OpenTreeOfLife.pdf | 1,921,024 |
Roberts_BIH_Summary.pdf | 24,576 |
Roberts_Decadal_Vision.pdf | 24,576 |
Roberts_ViBRANT_Review.pdf | 24,576 |
Ronquist_BuildingSustainableBiodiversityInformationSystems.ppt | 2,625,536 |
RoseSandler_Finding_a_goldmine.pptx | 4,075,520 |
Rycroft_Scratchpads.pptx | 7,135,232 |
Saarenmaa_EUBON.pptx | 4,554,752 |
Sachs_DwC_as_a_Model.pptx | 3,923,968 |
Santarsiero_eMonocot.pdf | 3,129,344 |
Saraiva_WeCanFosterCollaboration.ppt | 5,033,984 |
Schigel_HotSeat.pdf | 499,712 |
Schildhauer_RdfPrimerII.pptx | 536,576 |
Schindel_BarcodeOfWildlifeProject.pptx | 8,585,216 |
Seyed_HierarchicalSearchInSemanteco.pptx | 487,424 |
Seyed_SemantEcoAnnotator.ppt | 1,097,728 |
Soomro_iDigBioDataIntegration.pdf | 3,895,296 |
Steele_VertNet.pdf | 5,648,384 |
Stucky_et_al-BiSciCol_Triplifier.pdf | 212,992 |
Suhrbier_AnnoSys Hands On Demo.ppt | 3,301,376 |
Suhrbier_AnnoSys-Poster.pdf | 909,312 |
TDWG2013Rinaldo.pdf | 2,404,352 |
Theeten_CopingCapacityBuilding.pdf | 917,504 |
Thompson_iDigBioPerspectiveDWCA.pdf | 806,912 |
Tschöpe_AnnoSys.pdf | 1,236,992 |
Ulate_Expanding-BHL-TDWG-2013.pdf | 5,967,872 |
VandenBerghe_BiOnym_389.pptx | 2,023,424 |
Walls_BCO_TDWG2013.pptx | 5,193,728 |
Waruingi_Africa-BHLA-TDWG-2013.pdf | 1,482,752 |
Weibulat_DiversityMobile.pdf | 1,925,120 |
Wilson-Computable-Descriptions.pdf | 3,571,712 |