TDWG 2015
TDWG Annual Conference - Nairobi, Kenya
Image by Erlend Aasland
- Host
- Lucy Waruingi - African Conservation Centre
- Venue
- Windsor Golf Hotel and Country Club in Nairobi, Kenya
- Date
- 28 September - 1 October 2015
- Proceedings
- list of contributions linked to abstracts
- Programme
- TDWG 2015 Programme
- Presentations
- see below
- Pre-conference training
- Overview
- Training Workshop Agendas
Presentation files
Every contribution in the 2015 program has an ID number (#) and contains a link to its abstract in the Online Conference System. Some authors shared their presentations (PPT, PDF, etc.) and these are listed below (by author). To obtain any of these presentation files, please send a request to
# | Author | Title | Type | Session | Day | Room |
922 | Abrahamse | TDWG Keynote 2015 | pptx | Plenary | Tuesday | Oak Room |
920 | Ahumada | TEAM Network | pptx | S05 | Wednesday | Oak Room |
838 | Ariño | The Hunt for Biodiversity Information Gaps | pptx | C04 | Monday | Oak Room |
784 | Barkworth | Open Herbarium | pptx | W04 | Tuesday | Oak Room |
852 | Bart | Sustaining African Participation in TDWG | pptx | S07 | Monday | Oak Room |
831 | Batista-Navarro | Semantic Metadata Extraction | pptx | S06 | Tuesday | Acacia Tent |
832 | Beard | Biodiversity Catalogue | mp4 | S01 | Wednesday | Oak Room |
796 | Buttigieg | Environmental Semantics (ENVO) | ppt | S06 | Tuesday | Acacia Tent |
890 | Cellinese | Ontology-Based System for Querying Life | pptx | S06 | Tuesday | Acacia Tent |
783 | Coetzer | Knowledge Representation For Reasoning Over Flower-visiting Data | pptx | S06 | Tuesday | Acacia Tent |
793 | David | Datamining IndexMed | pptx | C04 | Monday | Oak Room |
824 | Deck | Presentation Idea Metadata Profile.pptx | S06 | Tuesday | Acacia Tent | |
824 | Deck | Presentation Idea Metadata Profile | pptx | S06 | Tuesday | Acacia Tent |
930 | Droege | GGBN | pptx | C01 | Wednesday | Acacia Tent |
807 | Edemewe | Forest Herbarium | pptx | C05 | Wednesday | Oak Room |
795 | Ellwood | Quality Assessment in Georeferencing: Novice vs. Automated vs. Expert | pptx | C06 | Wednesday | Acacia Tent |
840 | Ellwood | Crowdsourcing Biodiversity Data Mobilization | pptx | W04 | Tuesday | Oak Room |
833 | Fourie | BHL Africa | pptx | S04 | Thursday | Oak Room |
905 | Gaikwad | Training iDiv Researchers in Biodiversity Data Management | pptx | S02 | Tuesday | Oak Room |
848 | Galt R | SANBI | pptx | S07 | Monday | Oak Room |
856 | Ganglo | Sustainable Biodiversity Data Mobilization In Benin | pptx | W04 | Tuesday | Oak Room |
817 | Gerlach R | BEXIS 2: Managing Heterogeneous Biodiversity Data | pptx | C02 | Monday | Acacia Tent |
815 | Gerlach Roman | Teaching BD Data Management to CompSci and Geography Students | pptx | S02 | Tuesday | Oak Room |
918 | Guralnick | Notes From Nature | pptx | C06 | Wednesday | Acacia Tent |
883 | Guralnick | Specimen and Species-based Trait Data | pptx | S06 | Tuesday | Acacia Tent |
790 | Ithe | New Areas For Botanical Inventory in Kivu, DRC | ppt | C03 | Thursday | Oak Room |
837 | Kalfatovic | Biodiversity Heritiage Library (BHL) | ppt | S04 | Thursday | Oak Room |
863 | Kambale | Fish Fauna Lake Albert | posters | |||
899 | Kamau Ndithia | PEER: Biodiversity Informatics in Combating Wildlife Crime in Kenya | pptx | S03 | Monday | Oak Room |
866 | Karame | Sustaining BD Informatics for Decision Support Rwanda | ppt | C04 | Monday | Oak Room |
782 | Kasahun Abera | Fragmentation and Isolation of Nile Lechwe Habitat | pptx | C03 | Thursday | Oak Room |
854 | Kazika Kamosi | Improved Plant Genetic Diveristy | posters | |||
888 | Khayota | Barcode of Wildlife Project Kenya (BWPK) | pptx | S07 | Monday | Oak Room |
891 | Koureas | Data Training Programmes in Large Natural History Museums | pptx | S02 | Tuesday | Oak Room |
860 | Lange | Snail Borne Disease | ppt | C04 | Monday | Oak Room |
808 | Lecoq | Atlas Living Australia | pptx | C05 | Wednesday | Oak Room |
781 | Little D | Automating Revisionary Studies with Monographia | C02 | Monday | Acacia Tent | |
873 | Mafuwe K | NHM Zimbabwe | ppt | C05 | Wednesday | Oak Room |
864 | Mangwale | TaxaB29: From Taxonomic Databases To Field Identifications | ppt | C06 | Wednesday | Acacia Tent |
879 | Mapaura | Zimbabwe | pptx | C05 | Wednesday | Oak Room |
794 | Masinde | BID | pptx | S07 | Monday | Oak Room |
792 | Masinde | African Data in GBIF | pptx | C05 | Wednesday | Oak Room |
822 | McPhillips T | Kurator Validation 8 | pptx | S01 | Wednesday | Oak Room |
821 | Miller C | World Flora Online 11.15am | pptx | C01 | Wednesday | Acacia Tent |
819 | Morris P | Filtered Push AKKA | ppt | S01 | Wednesday | Oak Room |
842 | Müller A | EDIT Platform for Cybertaxonomy | ppt | S01 | Wednesday | Oak Room |
897 | Mwaura | Bar Code of Wildlife Kenya | ppt | S03 | Monday | Oak Room |
881 | Nicolson | Kew Mobilisation | pptx | W04 | Tuesday | Oak Room |
829 | Nicolson | Strings-to-Things | pptx | S01 | Wednesday | Oak Room |
906 | OBrien T | OA-Camera Trap DB | pptx | S05 | Wednesday | Oak Room |
844 | Parr | Ag Data Commons Intro | pptx | C05 | Wednesday | Oak Room |
791 | Paul D | Biodiv Skills | pptx | S02 | Tuesday | Oak Room |
850 | Paul D | Data Carpentry Model | pptx | W04 | Tuesday | Oak Room |
857 | Radji | Phytoplankton Variability-Paper | docx | posters | ||
857 | Radji | Phytoplankton Variability-Poster | posters | |||
805 | Rajagopal | Participation India BD Platform | pptx | S04 | Thursday | Oak Room |
896 | Rajagopal | Architecture Of A Biodiversity Informatics Platform | pptx | C06 | Wednesday | Acacia Tent |
876 | Raminosoa | Malagasy Flora Conservation in Protected Areas | pptx | C03 | Thursday | Oak Room |
834 | Rose-Sandler | BHL Citizen Science | pptx | S04 | Thursday | Oak Room |
788 | Sachs (Macklin) | Wiki Portal to BD Knowledge Graph | pptx | C02 | Monday | Acacia Tent |
901 | Schuttler | Emammal-Cit-Sci | pptx | S05 | Wednesday | Oak Room |
823 | Sheffield | BHL Workshops_CS | pptx | S04 | Thursday | Oak Room |
802 | Suhrbier | AnnoSys: A Generic Online Annotation System | pptx | S01 | Wednesday | Oak Room |
806 | Vattakaven | Curation Interface For Aggregate Species Lists In India | pptx | C02 | Monday | Acacia Tent |
820 | Wabuyele | Kenyan Succulent Flora: Priorities for Future Inventory | pptx | C03 | Thursday | Oak Room |
884 | Walls | Measure Characteristics of Organisms | pptx | S06 | Tuesday | Acacia Tent |
902 | Wambua | End Bushmeat Trade | pptx | S03 | Monday | Oak Room |
924 | Western (Waruingi) | ACC Biodiversity Informatics Congress 2015 | pptx | Plenary | Wednesday | Oak Room |
923 | Willoughby | Presentation BIOPAMA EAC RRIS TDWG 2015 Selwyn Willoughby | pptx | Plenary | Tuesday | Oak Room |
839 | Willoughby | The EAC-RRIS | pptx | C04 | Monday | Oak Room |
913 | Zermoglio | Vertebrate Taxon Name Resolution | ppt | C02 | Monday | Acacia Tent |
Ottichilo | Biodiversity Conservation Presentation | ppt | Plenary | Oak Room | ||
Walls | iPlant TDWG_short | pptx | Plenary | Tuesday | Oak Room | |
Parr | Chairs Welcome 2015 | pptx | Plenary | Monday | Oak Room | |
Parr | 2015 Business Meeting presentation | pptx | Business Meeting | Thursday | Oak Room | |
Blum | Process Interest Group | pptx | Business Meeting | Thursday | Oak Room | |
Macklin | BD Services Clients IG Report | pptx | Business Meeting | Thursday | Oak Room | |
Whitbread | Technical Architecture Group 2015 | pptx | Business Meeting | Thursday | Oak Room | |
Chapman | Data Quality IG Report 2015 | ppt | Business Meeting | Thursday | Oak Room | |
Mata | EScience para la conservacion de la biodiversidad copy | pptx | Business Meeting | Thursday | Oak Room | |
Ulate | essential COSTA RICA | mp4 | Business Meeting | Thursday | Oak Room | |
Opening Credits with logos | pptx | Plenary | Oak Room |